"Hills Like White Elephant"By Ernest Hemingway
Desire for freedom is clearly evident in the story “Hills Like White Elephant” by Ernest Hemingway andthe story “A&P” by John Updike both works of literature highlights to the concept of Freedom. Desire for
freedom as a theme correlates with “Freedom” a song by Akon that eloquently highlights the multi
faceted character of Aliu who exemplifies the need for freedom. Sammy’s desire for freedom to be able
to move forward in life. Jig wants to be able to express herself but the American man is against it.
In the story “Hills Like White Elephant” Jig had some freedom but not too much freedom. In her
discussion with the American man about the pregnancy which was not mentioned in the story , jig asked
the man for permission, made it seems like the American man was in control of her life. She looks to the
man by telling her what to do by asking “should we have another drink?”
In the aspect of the pregnancy, the American man does not want jig to have the baby. Tells her it’s up
to her if she wants to keep the baby or not but ,it’s not really up to jig if she really wants to keep the
baby . The American man said, “It’s really an awfully simple operation, jig” “it’s not really an operation at
all” The girl really wanted to keep the baby but she didn’t have the complete freedom to make her own
decision, because of the man’s idea telling her to go through abortion.
Once again, she attempts to start a conversation with the American man. Jig tells the man a joke and
they begin to argue again. The man disagrees with jig every time she speaks. He doesn’t want the baby
but, he knows jig wants the baby. She looks towards the hills again and admires their beauty. The man
ordered two more drinks. Although he tells her “if you don’t want to you don’t have to” (Hemingway 3) I
wouldn’t have you do it if you don’t want to. But I know it’s perfectly simple “jig seems to be angry and
confuse. “And if I do it you will be happy and things will be like they were and you will love me?” she
asked the man. It seems that she is more concerned about her relationship than the life of the baby.
"A&P" BY John Updike
In the story “A&P” BY John Updike, Sammy a young supermarket employee who work in the store
A&P desires freedom of individuality. Sammy has no intention of spending the rest of his life hearing the
monotonous beeping sound as boxes of hiho crackers slides across the counter, and what he observed
that lead him to quit his job. His manager , a forty year old Sunday school teacher that consistently
spends his boring old life within the bounds walking from one side of the store to the other and he had
been doing it for years with zero hopes of ever achieving a higher status in life
Sammy didn’t want all all this to happen to him because he feels he can do better in life. Sammy chose
to quit his job to impress the three young girls that walked into the store with bathing suits and also to
break away from his sad life style. Perhaps, Sammy‘s dream are immature in nature he quit his job after
the embarrassment his manager (Lengel) gave the girls .The girls were embarrassed by Sammy’s
manager because they walked into the store with bathing suits , let’s say they were half naked.
He said it loud and clear “I quit” he wanted the girls the girls to watch their unexpected hero.At the
point he quit, Lengel gives him another opportunity to take back his words but he refused Lengel
mentions to Sammy “you don’t want to do this to your mom and dad” because his income is a
supplement to the family and Sammy quitting the job will be a little bit problem to the family.
Sammy wants to show that those girls were right that they are free to do anything they want as well
as he can quit his own job, nobody can say anything. Sammy who wants to act as a hero to the girls
ended up having a miserable life. Sammy doesn’t want to be forced to do anything.
In the song titled “freedom” by Akon. From Senegal West Africa came to St Louis, Missouri when he
was a kid then he never knew he would have to hustle just to make it through, then he found himself
skipping school because the girls didn’t think he was a cool guy. Akon has cooperated with numerous
other artists on their music. With his newest release Freedom was originally planned to be entitled
Acquitted but, his label universal music decided for some reason to change the title to freedom because,
Akon has gone through a lot going to jail, doing drugs etc. Anyway the new title seems to fit Akon well
because he had some incidents that didn’t put him in a good light
Akon never wants to leave his faith in others hands. Akon’s mother came a little after Akon came from
Senegal to Missouri and she gave birth to his brother Aliu and they all started having misunderstanding
this brought pressure to the family . The parents did all they could do but all he wanted was freedom
freedom freedom.