Friday, May 2, 2014

Nigerians demand government do more to bring home kidnapped girls

Nigerians took to the streets Thursday to demand the government do more to rescue scores of girls abducted by militants more than two weeks ago.
Militants seized about 230 girls in the dead of the night at a high school in the nation's far northeast, a hotbed for Islamist group Boko Haram.
Armed men herded the girls out of bed and forced them into trucks on April 16 in the town of Chibok. The convoy of trucks then disappeared into the dense forest bordering Cameroon.
Roughly 200 girls are still missing.
Nigerians have rallied for days to criticize the government's handling of the rescue efforts. Hundreds wept and chanted "bring back our girls" during protests in the capital of Abuja on Wednesday. A day later, protesters gathered in Lagos.
Shortly after the abductions last month, frustrated Chibok residents went into the forest in motorbikes to search for the girls.Boko Haram's name translates to "Western education is a sin" in the local language.


  1. It is so unsettling to know that this kind of thing can happen in this day in age.

  2. This story is truly baffling. I agree with Jessel, it is really terrible that events like this are occurring in our time. I couldn't imagine being put through something like this, its appalling.

  3. I hope that the there are some NGOS that are going to rescue children in Nigeria. There must be something done to save these girls from danger. WOw, all in the name of Islam

  4. What a terrible situation. Hopefully things will change there really soon.

  5. Thankfully, Nigerians aren't being silent and I've seen lots of social media posts related to "Bring back our girls" by celebrities like Maya Angelou and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Still, I hope this crisis is resolved soon & and that those girls are returned safely!
